Thursday 15 March 2012

Tips for Creating Successful FanBox Blogs

Looking to make some extra cash without having to work too hard? I was when I first signed up for FanBox. I was a little hesitant at first. “What if it was all just a scam?” I thought. However, I was proven wrong about my doubts. This site really works! It's a huge community with an equally vast amount of interests to read and write about. At first, it may be a bit intimidating to figure out how to make money when you're getting started, but it's a fast, easy process towards making profits if you keep these simple tips in mind!

  • Choose your keywords wisely. Keep them short and if you can find boldface tags to stick under your blog post, there is a higher chance of it being found and read by lots of people who've posted in the same category since it's a popular tag. Make sure your tags aren't too long or specific but are relevant to your blog post, and if you can, choose six. This means your blog is already more likely to get readers (and make you money) without even having to post ads yet! Which leads to my second point:

  • Don't be afraid to use ads, but don't rely too heavily on them. If you just let them circulate indefinitely without ever checking on your earnings you won't make as much, but that can be easily avoided if you're responsible with the FanBox earnings put towards promoting your blogs and make sure to switch ads that aren't earning to Knowledge Investor after a few days. 

  • Interact with the community. By reading other people's blogs, liking posts and pictures, and adding comments, people will be more inclined to read your blogs and in turn make you an extra profit! There is no downside to being social on this site. Not only can you build up a solid audience for your blogs, you can make friends that could last you a lifetime. Don't be afraid to reach out to others!

  • Make sure your blog posts are clear and concise. They don't have to be perfect by any means, but it doesn't hurt to take an extra minute to polish up spelling, grammar, and diction before you publish a blog post. Making your voice heard clearly can take you a long way on its own. Videos, pictures, and other supplemental material is encouraged as well, but be careful about posting links as it will draw people away from your page and may cost you some revenue.

  • Lastly, have fun! These are your blogs and you get to choose just about anything you want to write about and share with the world. Making money off of sharing your interests with your readers will make writing FanBox blogs hardly feel like work at all.

These tips have helped me write successful FanBox blogs and I know they can help you too. So, if you think you're ready to make money just by writing about the things you love, your day-to-day life, or even posting that YouTube video that made you laugh out loud the other day, give it a shot. It may seem too good to be true, but you can trust me when I say on behalf of the millions who have already seen results: FanBox works.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

FanBox Blogging Contest -- Win $1,000 for best of your blogging abilities

After a successful campaign of "FanBox Video Contest”, the ever-dynamic FanBox team has come up with another unique idea of "FanBox's Blogging Contest" and the winner will receive a prize of $1,000 (One Thousand US Dollars). Behold dear readers! This is not the only prize; but FanBox is quite generous to distribute the cash prizes to encourage the FanBox community members as the first runner up in this contest will get $500 and the second runner up to receive $250. The next 17 (seventeen) in the queue will receive $50.
Every one from FanBox community can participate in this contest and the winner will be decided by a panel of judges.
    For more detail (click here)

Monday 12 December 2011

TOP 10 (Updated Dec. 12, 2011)

      Name                            last 30 days                      All earning          

$9,844   $51,166
$6,903  $8,908
$5,358                          $33,352
$1,941              $12,771

For new user of FANBOX

I saw when the new userjoin fanbox,
they hav many question in their mind
what these questions are?
Like what is Fanbox?
Who can earn here?
Who can cash out from here?
And some more questions so here I try to
explain these questions.
What is fanbox?
Fanbox is more...........

Sunday 11 December 2011

FanBox Blogging Contest -- Win $1,000 for best of your blogging abilities

After a successful campaign of "FanBox Video Contest”, the ever-dynamic FanBox team has come up with another unique idea of "FanBox's Blogging Contest" and the winner will receive a prize of $1,000 (One Thousand US Dollars). Behold dear readers! This is not the only prize; but FanBox is quite generous to distribute the cash prizes to encourage the FanBox community members as the first runner up in this contest will get $500 and the second runner up to receive $250. The next 17 (seventeen) in the queue will receive $50.
Every one from FanBox community can participate in this contest and the winner will be decided by a panel of judges.
    For more detail (click here)

Friday 9 December 2011